Educational Visits

External Educational Visits

In order to enhance and enrich the curriculum offered in school, every year group plans at least one external visit/trip per year.  In addition to this, some year groups may also carry out walks in the local area.  Year 6 children experience a residential trip, of approximately four nights, towards the end of the school year.  As a school, we do try to minimise the cost of any trip. However, we do also need to ask for contributions from families to support this provision.  Communication will be sent to Parents and Carers in plenty of time to help spread the cost of any trips planned.  Delapre Primary School subsidises the cost of trips for any children in receipt of Pupil Premium funding.

Visitors coming into School

Another way in which we aim to enrich the experience of children in Delapre, is to invite visitors in, to talk to the children about a variety of things.  For example, Reception children have visits from the local PCSOs (Police Community Support Officers) and the Fire Brigade to enhance their topic of ‘People who Help Us’.  Year 1 children have a visit from a local Jewish lady to help them have a deeper understanding of the religion of Judaism.  Another example of a visitor who comes into our school, is the Word Guerilla who delivers a really unique poetry performance to Year 5 and 6 children to aid their creative writing.  Â